Ok! Since your sooo busy working all the time...I will just go look there!:huh:.......LOL
I think that does sound better Sue.....LOL
I remember those GREAT cartwheels! That made me LOL, I had forgotten those.....
Zurc???? Jesse where is your pic with the new goatee????
Lmao!!!! I would have loved to have seen you guys paintballing....
And now Guy and all the other Canadians are trying to snow all of us Texas people in as well... Im very excited for Christa,and yet jealous at the...
Yep You might ought to rethink paintball with Scott since hes not joining you at TTR,just saying....:bash: And you know since none of us are going...
OK Sue, you are forgiven for your absence!! Sounds like you have been having a blast as usual!!!! We Are In 2011 now....Dec is getting...
Zurc.... You are working to much...:typing: you are hardly ever on here or FB! We miss u!!!
Thats great your in-laws would keep your right hand for you,sitters are hard to find on NYE!!!
Glad you guys had fun at Disney! We missed you guys though....Sooo excited just 11 short months and we are back!!!!LOL
Love the TR Darcie!!! Im going to do one now.....I have done it in my head a hundred times,just hasnt made it to print yet!!!LOL
Ours was good....Went to see our friends in Shreveport LA, we have spent the last three NYEs there! We brought it in with a bang!!!lol and we...
TR Oh I read that days ago..lol....It was great!!! Now I have to do mine! Before things start to get even more hazy....lol
And look on the bright side...its 2011...we will be back at TTR in a few short months...lol
Heyyyyy!!! Where are all of our early Dec group??? Still hungover from NYE???? I was expecting to hear some good stories....Im sure they were not...
There is ALWAYS crazy canandians at TTR.....We love all of the ones we have met there!!!
Happy New Year everyone,well we are a couple of days into it now! How is everyone? Any interesting stories from their NYE celebrations???
Sounds like alot of Zurcs outfits were mentioned....
Nye I was thinking that since we will all be in different parts of the world on NYE and we would all really love to share with all of our EDG...