Come on it is okay to share the fun! The more the know the bettter is the way we see it.
will be here before you know it ging back in July and cannot wait
I would say that the beach is small but very nice a great place to relax. Water is calm great to cool off and still close enough to the sexy pool
Very nice! Love it! We had to use what we had on room 1203. At firts she was just standing sort fo holding on to rail but tha did not make for...
Nice! She is only 5ft 95 lbs show easy to pick her up as well and show her that way
Nice take it you had a shower tha faces out? We used the balcony and that worked well just have to use a few chair and table for her so all could...
We had our travel agent reques a roon on the quite side and we got it with no issues loved the room. We had room 1203 great for balcony shows as...
Once you go you will be hooked for sure we went in Aug and cannot wait to go back!
As mentioned just about getting in the right position in more ways then one. They do have wallks but in our case my wife is 5ft 95 lbs so very...
We did our first trip in Aug had room 1203 and that worked out great. it was 2nd floor facing quiet pool did not have an issues with people...
yep they do and have fun! You will have a blast!
I would have to agree with the others great place to go to have fun but most are couples. Always a good time but if looking fo single females...
Be ready to have a blast and be ready to play along they will ask for allkids of things that make it a ton of fun!!!!
Same wit us we sat down I made it clear we did not want anything to do with it and we were done in less the 5 mins. You just have to be clear you...
Temptations offerr a games show that night as well. Very fun! If you go be willing to take part in it makes it more fun. They break the club up...
I was the same way but we did our first trip in Aug. We are laid back as well but you will see when you get there that there is somehing about...
Well we got there room was not ready so we got something to eat and drink room was ready wehn to room hit balconey then went to pool
We stayed in room 1203 and loved it.
All look great! Would vote for E if I had one vote but bring them all they will not take up much room
Either will work just fine we just used American and had no issues.