let me know your dates for sept. don't think we have anything going on so pretty sure we could do it. only been ~2 months since we got back and...
Sept may be possible. Will mostly depend on what we have going on then
February for sure. Hoping to squeeze one in before then but not sure can make it happen. What about you?
Hopefully we can start doing a couple trips a year. We really enjoyed it. Would love to meet you there
We loved it. When we planned it my wife said she would give it one try. Day 2 she said she wanted to come back. Met some great couples and are...
We're planning on it. Had a great time
We're going to around the same time next year
Had an awesome time with you 2!
We really wondered what it was that was so addictive. Until this trip we plan on going to different places every year. Day 2 we both were saying...
We loved it! Planning on going back about same time next year.
Was great meeting you! Had an awesome time
Was a great trip! Can't wait to do it again
The day has finally arrived! About to walk out the door
Wish your dad had used one
just a few more days :)
We're hoping to. Doing boobs cruise that day but hopefully will get a nap in and make it. Got a nice sheer outfit planned if we can pull it off
For me prevention is the best cure. I drink water every 3rd drink and have a bottle of water before bed, vitamin, and 2 Advil. If that doesn't...
I agree, but do have to admit time has flown since we booked back in November. We're so ready for it to get here
See you there
Less than 2 weeks away! Hopefully can have a few drinks