2228 directly above reception. Massive room with a sofa and 2 balconies. Only issue is a speaker below the balcony that comes on at 06:00 lol
Never heard the Cupid Shuffle until I came here and never hear it in the UK.
What's the issue? It's a legal document and should be completed truthfully. Believe me, they don't give a shit if you were attending a Roman orgy.
Mango Tango, Miami Vice and Wet Pussy. Only 2 of those are drinks ;)
Here already and been to Walmart. Heard someone mention something that sounded like like a select as an alternative to Walmart but in the other...
Got it in our room and around the sexy pool ok this time. $35 for 7 days isn't bad.
Hot for the past 4 days, the weather has been great too ;)
Where's the party at?
We are above reception in a massive room with 2 balconies. A bit of a piss take though as a hotel speaker is below one balcony and comes on at 06:00!
Yeah my mistake. Let's start again, PDANet on the iPhone is what I'm using. It re transmits the wifi outward. But you need a jail broken iPhone...
Just double checked and the Bluetooth isn't being used. The software is able to share the phones wifi receiver and transmit it as a hotspot.
Typing this from my iPhone connected via Bluetooth to my wife's iPhone which has TTR wifi enabled on. Used my iPad also.
No 5 hour energy drink in oxxo near TTR
Just arrived from not so sunny UK. Jet lag sucks
Arrive at 16:30 on the 28th July God I need this holiday!
The cable is only a couple of quid so no problem
Please add us... 28th July till 8th Aug
Bit of a weird question but im looking to hook up our laptop to the TTR rooms TV via HDMI. Does anyone remember if the port is accessible on the...
Hi guys, use sky scanner for our flight searches. If you know how I would clear my PC cache before searching as sites know you have been...
It tethers wifi. I've tested it at a London hotel, train wifi and work wifi. All of these required logins per device and I had my cellular data...