I can't wait to go either! I'm reading this forum to help pass the time until my trip and it's only making me more excited! We'll all have to...
Nice to meet you guys! I'll definitely keep an eye out for you!
Fantastic! I can't wait to meet you and compare stories on the Granville/Robson craziness during the Games...
Yup, I left Alberta for the spoils of BC. I've lived in a lot of places in Alberta as I'm a born and raised Albertan. I'll look forward to...
I was hoping to meet you Monique; it's too bad I'll miss you! Especially since I lived in Mill Woods up until August; we would have had much in...
Hello everyone! You may have seen the odd post from me in some of the other threads but thought I'd formally introduce myself since I plan on...
I'll be there April 19-26! First time! Hope to have a blast!
April 17-24th for me and it's my first time. Please be gentle...or not :)
I'll be there April 17-24th! It's my first time and I am going alone so it would be awesome to make some friends before hand!
I'm going April 17-24th. It'll be my first time and I am traveling alone so it would great to meet some party people!