86,000? Show-off.
Assuming you're in wretched Calgary, have you thought about flying out of Great Falls? I don't know the good package sites in the US, but the...
There has to be rooms somewhere because expedia.ca and hotels.ca still have them, although they would like your first born child in exchange.
Can't wait to meet you all!
I have an Alberta birth certificate so any crazy Albertans are like family!
Or a vampire?
I'm in! (assuming I can get there on time, flight is supposed to land at 7:30 that morning)
True, but if you sweetened the pot with a pass to Calaway Park...
If there is one thing I know, it's not to trust a Calgarian! Like what's with all the Trails? Once you pave them they're called roads! Q: What...
I'll take you're word for it... Crazy Fahrenheit!
But I go home on the 26th! What about the 23rd? Anyone?
I don't think I need to say how awesome that week will be!
And when, exactly, are you arriving again? ;)
I know the vacation package suppliers are sold out for the most part until May now up here in Canada. They have other hotels in Cancun and seats...
Me neither! I can't imagine how much worse it's going to get over the next month!
Really? Because they have this stuff at the dollar store too! It's just too easy!
If you go to Expedia and look up photos/virtual tours they seem to have a good map with pictures: Unsupported Browser
I know my local dollar store has packages of glow bracelets and necklaces... I'll pick up plenty and see what else they have!
I get in at 7:30 am. I plan to hit the ground running too....right to pool side and a chair to nap in. I'll try to sleep on the plane, but I'm...
When do you get in? Are you on that 7:30 am arrival flight?