We will bring our fins, snorkels and masks for sure. Fry doesn't have his own scuba equipment but does borrow sometimes, but not for this trip. I...
Hey, hope to see you in Feb! Our Mr. is a farmer too - you will get along great.
the 9th to the 16th - less than a month now. I need the trip to get here so I stop buying stuff!
Can we be a maybe for the 13th? We are still debating if we can handle the boobs cruise experience.
Hello! Michele & Peter going for our first trip Feb 9th to 16th.
Ok, so week 7 folks, what say you for some of these nights?
Wow. Looks like I'm going to need to do some online shopping over the holidays. And here all I thought I needed was some more bikinis.
You just Rickrolled the internet ...
Hey, we fly out of Ottawa on the 9th. We are likely on the same flight.
Well, my sexy school girl outfit doesn't take up that much room ;)
We've got Bubba Kegs but I may order something funny online to stand out a bit. CafePress and Zazzle have some funny stuff.
I've seen it here in the Ottawa area but I think my friends may have purchased it in the US. Next time I am there I will check. I should be over...
We might be interested but the only day that would work for us is the 15th, which is our last full day. So timing wise, it may not be a fit.