Hey, we will have our CCC bracelets. So looking forward to getting there too. Less than a week for us!
We are at TTR from Feb 9th to 16th. Hoping to make some friends!
I might bring some vodka gummies!
I know there is a thread on this somewhere but I can't find it. What exactly does one need to wear/bring for the Boobs Cruise?
I didn't need to order an outfit soooo ....
If people aren't on Cancuncare, can they email you directly Steve to book?
We just booked for the Boobs Cruise.
Ok. We are in. Sending the deposit now.
9th to 16th. Time to start packing soon.
If you live close to the border, see if there is a place in a border town where you can have packages shipped. We live near NY state and we...
I thought one of the nights on the resort web page had a fetish night?
In my, ahem, straw poll of people who have seen me in lingerie, it is a red get up that has received the most votes. Now I just need red shoes.
We are still undecided. I guess we had better decide ...
Not sure. We haven't committed yet.
See you on the 9th! Michele & Peter
Can't wait. Literally counting down the days now!
Yes, for sure. We should plan a day and time. We are going to try and rest up our livers. Well, after this weekend, that is :)
Hey, Michele & Peter here. Going to TTR Feb 9th to 16th with another couple from Ottawa. See you there!
Hi, Michele & Peter here. Looking forward to meeting some new friends.
9th to 16th