I agree with booking with Expedia. And has anyone actually had experience with being moved to another hotel? Even for just a night? this will...
I suppose I can hang out with a FF. My buddy and I are LE. My wife is a nurse as well.
Looks like you made the cut.
look forward tohanging out.:liebe011:
No city stop is fine with us.
Booked it yesterday (Wed), it was on sale.
OK, its 40 through Orbitz. Just wanted to check what the onsite upfee was. Thanks
Does anyone know the going rate to upgrade to a Jacuzzi room when you check in? We are already booked for an ocean room.
Just booked two. Look forward to the hot sun and cold drinks.
Shooter, please wear your red thong with the sombrero....
Ok. Do u recall cost.
Does the entertainment staff still take guests to the Coco Bongo? And what does the show cost? Do they provide transport to and from? Thanks.
Cool. We arrive late on the 8th. See u on the ninth.
Good. Looks like we'll meet you four. It's our first full day at temptations, what a way to start.
Steve. We will have four on the 9th. 2v and shooter.
You look familiar. We should hook up for some drinks. We are arriving the same day as you.
Sorry wrong dates. We will not see u.
we will see you. Same dates. Try to make a booze/boob cruize if they announce it that week. Its a blast. We will see you their. Post a...
-36 last night in Iowa. Might as well be in Canada. Wind is always blowing here.