I may have talked my husband into doing a cruise...we'll just have to pack plenty of Dramamine!! :) March 18th?
I'd LOVE to do a cruise but I doubt we'll be able to...my husband gets seasick on the ocean. :(
Lots of Pitbull & Enrique!! By the sexy pool when they have a live DJ, sometimes they'll play full length versions of songs...otherwise they play...
We'll be there March 16th thru the 21st!! :)
Trip #3 March 16-21!! Wanted to go earlier to meet up with our TTR friends but couldn't work it out! :( So we'll have to meet some FUN people!!
Look for us Wednesday August 11th at the SEXY POOL! We'll be celebrating our 15 yr anniversary on Thursday!!!!!!! :)
WATCH OUT!!!! The party starts Wednesday!!!
We'll probably be by the sexy pool when you arrive...just look for us! and don't worry, you'll have plenty of liquid courage by the time you get...
the only theme night that seems familiar to me is lingerie night. i think that list is something that other groups have come up with on their...
the only excursion we've thought about doing is the club trip to CoCo Bongo but its on a Monday night and we leave Tuesday and we're worried about...
TRIP #2....August 11th to the 16th!!! :)
We'll be there August 11th-16th for our 2nd trip! :)
we originally booked secrets capri but changed it to silversands because its a lot newer and looked nicer in the pics. plus we like the idea of...
we just got back from silversands this past tuesday and the resort was absolutely GORGEOUS! i DID notice a slight stench in the openair hallway...
hilarious,.... little bikini
I'll be the girl with the teeny bikini and the best lookin' dude at the resort! ;) We got our "bubba kegs" at Target....they're in the...
....Chesticles, Although not my favorite, kinda funny.
Our first time as well, will be there 3-7. You'll be seasoned pros by then. We will be looking forward to meeting you and partaking in the...
I got our dates wrong...we're at Temptation 3/3 - 3/7, then off to another resort til the 9th. We're counting the days and already packing!! ;)
There are TWO Things i like about BOOBs!..... Phil