Nice review and glad to see they're staying with the maintenance of the hotel. It does need a little TLC here and there. You're correct though all...
Like everyone else go to the ferry port, the day we went we had breakfast walked along the beach to the port. Bought our tickets and were there by...
Trolls will be trolls.....some start threads just to get people upset. This was one of them. This is like putting your foot on a ball at the...
The advice I'm going to give to you is the same as if you asked me what kind of dress to wear around the resort. Bring something you're...
We know a couple that goes as well. We've talked about the possibility of going at the same time we were up front we said when we go she'll be...
Thanks for looking after the roll call
Not only that he's listed as a guest, and his replies are N/A. I'd been curious as to who he was as well. In the light that Steve now has rules...
Just saw the dates you were going and you'll be there long before we will other wise I'd have asked if you'd mind saving us a spot. LOL... wow 5am...
Sure if you wanted to sit topless on top of hubbies shoulders and distribute shots no one would mind just a thought.
To answer question 5, either works fine just so you know the peso is waterproof so if you happen to jump in the pool and then have an oh shit...
Should ask the person that gave the referral to you it would be in the contract they signed.
Yeah certainly would be a problem if they called you back and extended you another day or two.
I've always dressed as an accessary to her outfit. Let's face it unless I've got a six foot banana attached to my crotch not too many people will...
The only thing I can suggest is to get the friend to upgrade the might to an I'm coming then call the resort and ask them to add 1 more to your...
At home we're usually in bed by 11 at the latest and back up again by 7 but for some reason must be the air we'll be up past our bedtime and head...
Had the similar experience as a few others have mentioned I got the fair warning of I may go topless see how I feel. I said ok I turn to get the...
Sounds about right they had the girls do a few games and it always ended up with them having to collect suits think there a few guys asked to...
Think we went and had something to eat and by the time we were finished so was the rain.
Like I said in my earlier post must have been the time of year we've been there but we've been down in October with the wedgies and there were...
And when I first read the title of this I thought you were going to say you couldn't sleep the night before going. I can't do that either I get...