We've just gone and told people the truth it's spring break for adults. No kids to worry about, adult themes, topless optional and have left it at...
I did the skinny dip off the boat on the Boobs cruise and have to say it was a little rough out there. Got back and was feeling more than a little...
If you're really funny Steve may even give you a spot on the Boobs Cruise if you do. Have to hand it to Steve he knows what the crowd likes
On our first trip there I will say in all honesty that Sarah rubbed me the wrong way, thought what the hell were they thinking when they hired...
I agree with you. Nothing like seeing Jose's big grin and a Hola senor or Eme's gold capped grin as he brings you your favourite beverage it's...
Everyone always likes a good story, having said that don't make it a novel but then again " We had an awesome time" is a little short
As Ticker79 has said it all depends on how busy the airport is at the time. We've had about a half hour wait the one time as a couple of planes...
Think this is trip #5 for us, this is the first time in May, we been there most often in October with the Wedgies and once in April with the...
Tend to agree with you it's spotty at best, depends on the traffic and the time of day. We're members as well and that's one of the perks we make...
Yeah but it's worth more. We usually do about $300 to $400 US for the week we're there we also pack a few little knick knacks for the girls that...
Man I really gotta make a point of getting off that lounger at the sexy pool other than to take a dip in the pool. Been there lots and I couldn't...
Disappointing to say the least. Jose always worked hard and would go out of his way to help entertain the guests really enjoyed talking to him. I...
Do you always ask for the same room and if so where would that room be? Just out of curiosity
Think we caught one of the first ferry's to depart and ended up coming back on one of the last to depart not sure if that answers your question...
Must have read the trip advisor reports on the place not everyone who goes is older nor a swinger.
We've left little treats as well as tips for the ladies that clean the room like hair clips and elastics plus, gum sometimes for the staff we know...
Think it was my god that things absolutely enormous.......... and then I realized they were talking about the tower of shots behind me.
Guess we'd both fit into the category if it really mattered but it doesn't. There's only one roll call as no one ever categorizes or makes...
We love Eme he was our favourite waiter at the sexy pool had quite a few conversations with him about soccer/ football. He was proud of his local...
Nice. The one year I was surfing radio stations on my iPod just to switch it up a little. And I can appreciate they have to mix it up for everyone...