Awesome... you guys are one of only a few couples/groups we've run across with almost the exact same dates as us (we're 20-27)... and we only live...
Welcome :) We're relatively new as well. We only overlap your vacation by a half day, the 20th (we'll hopefully be there early/mid afternoon on...
After reading a bunch of threads (old and new, including one that we posted) pertaining to crowd demographics for Temptation in the month of...
Hi again to those who we've already messaged with... and a very friendly ;) hello to those who we haven't yet had the pleasure of doing so. We're...
To my surprise, looks like the responses on this thread seem to be in favor of it. As such I am going to post a thread specifically entitled...
Okay, so this thread is Part 2 of the Crown Royal Bag thread recently posted, which relates to the fact that my fiance has told me, half jokingly...
Thanks so much for the link... great read relating to this topic :)
Actually, I am very appreciative of a male perspective that says "go for it" because based on the responses being posted, it look's like I'm going...
wow... well-put, and very convincing... and the mrs. wants to thank you very much for so eloquently validating exactly the points she was trying...
Okay, so the fiance and I read a post that mentioned a guy wearing a Crown Royal bag for a swimsuit, and we thought that this was quite...
We have already booked for March 20-27, but for curiosity sake (and because we generally just can't quit thinking about the trip) we have tried to...
We will look for you at Temptations, but if you see us first PLEASE come grab us, figuratively, or literally (lol), or both (lol), regardless of...
We're new to this site, and new to Temptations (except for a few days last year) so please pardon any ignorance on our part, but while perusing...
Hey guys, we're going to be at temptations in both March and April and looks like our April trip overlaps yours by a day (we're leaving the day...
March 20-27 an April19-24 Hey everybody, we're here March 20-27, but didn't want to miss all the April fun so booked April 19-24 too! It looks...
I hear ya, I didn't think there was any way, but I'm so glad I asked the question because I'm totally with Guido and Blondie on this......
I'm going to add a few more pictures of me and her shortly so that people will be able to recognize us better... we will for sure look for you,...
Anyways, we definitely want to push it as far as possible without getting kicked off the resort, and without pissing off any other partygoers,...
...and during the island dinner break they had a wild contest where everybody was competing against everybody (even your own spouses), and by...
The Mrs. (actually only my fiance at this point) is actually quite shy starting off, but I looooove to push her limits, and with a few drinks...