Happy to hear you share well with others ;) ... us too! ... a wise man once said, "sharing is caring"... but it can be sooooo much fun too!
Hey guys. Our trips only overlap by a couple of days (April 19-24) but would love to meet you guys and share a few drinks :)
Hey guys, we're going to be at Temptation around the beginning of your trip (April 19-24) and just wanted to say hi. Would love to share some...
Hey guys, we're going to be at Temptation at almost the exact same time (April 19-24) and just wanted to say hi. Would love to share some drinks...
Hey guys, we're going to be at Temptation about the middle of your trip (April 19-24) and just wanted to say hi. Would love to share some drinks...
Hey guys. We're going to be at Temptations at roughly the same time as you (April 19-24) and wanted to say hi. Would love to share some drinks...
Hey guys. We're going to be at Temptation at roughly the same time and wanted to say hi. Would love to share some drinks with you :)
Hey guys. We're going to be at temptations from April 19-24 and just wanted to say hi. Would love to share some drinks at some point :)
Hey, our trips only overlap by about half or 3/4 of a day (we'll be arriving at 1:00 on the 19th, so hope to be in the pool by 2:00), but really...
Sorry, maybe couples aren't supposed to post on the singles thread, but the fiance likes singles :)
We are, let's rock the joint... and maybe the fiance can help make your friend's first time extra special ;)
Now we're talk'n... some more people around our dates, can't wait to meet everybody!