Nuts! We leave early in the day. How about next year... or maybe later this year!
What a sexy couple you two are.... I envision each of you on either side of Melinda..... tequila in the naval, salt on each boob, and a race to...
YOU BETTER, we're extra excited now!!! Yes, indeed, we will see you there!
Who knows, we're going in March and April, maybe we'll make it a monthly ritual, lol. If not though maybe later in the year, or early next year......
That's awesome, lol... believe it or not, our obsessive compulsive sides actually were a tiny bit worried about implying that we have any age...
19-3rd, THAT'S PERFECT!!! Okay, so yes, let's schedule it...... let's have one drink together ........ every hour on the hour until 3 a.m. that...
I thought people were kidding about only having to have something around the waist! So just one string around the waist would suffice, with no...
Hi everybody! As my fiance and I approach our first two stays at Temptation (March 20-27 and April 19-24) we hope that sharing this little poem...
Hey, how's it going, when are you going to be there!
As long as you're into sun, booze, and half-nakedness to almost nakedness, I think fun is a guarantee. The question will be whether or not you...
ALL are invited, and all help is very much appreciated... what did you have in mind ;)... oops forgot, that kind of detail is not really allowed,...
I don't know what I see for sure, the glare coming off the ten feet of f--king snow outside my window is causing me some serious vision...
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS PICS!!! The Mr. is a very lucky man. Any chance we're lucky enough that our trips overlap :)
We'll be there 19-24th... hope we can share a few drinks ;)
Please let us buy... a couple as gorgeous as you two shouldn't have to buy their drinks ;) ... we will keep an eye out for you for sure, but you...
We only overlap your trip by a day (or maybe two if you leave late on the 21st), but really hope we can share a few drinks with you sexies! ;)
We're 19th to the 24th and LOOOOVE that idea :) :)
AAAALLLL ABOARD!!!!! Okay everybody, if you want the party of your life, this is it! We're 3rd and 4th on board... whose next! :) :)
Thank goodness, I was getting a bit worried... I'm sure the other resort is great, and we may check it out down the road someday, but damn, if I...
As a new traveler, could somebody please clarify something for me. I understand why a hotel or resort that allows some kind of cancellation option...