Have a nice flight tomorrow guys :) See you on friday !
Sure will do ! We arrive the day just before you... What is your ETA at the resort ?
Leaving tomorrow ! See you there on the 9th fellow MTLer !
Just dont forget to head to the sexy pool afterward for the post-cruise spa party! :xyxthumbs:
Just wow... Think you guys may be testing Steve limits ;) But certainly not ours anyway... those pics are hot!
Try this thread on ccc sister website: Open door policy?
Never could find any AIWC around here... Down to 6 days. Completly fed up with the healthy diet: tonight is liver training night! Lobster and...
Getting exited? We are!!
Sure, from experience tongues get all mixed up in the sexy pool :icon_mrgreen: Oh the memories...
We could have wrote this post, because we feel just the same. Nice to know we are not alone! But we made so much freinds on ccc this last few...
Go Habs !!... but lets not forget what happenend in 2011. CH won first two game but lost the series afterall. BUT, the worst part is that I had...
We are one week away from TTR! So looking foward to meet you all and have a great time!
Aside from resorts game, don't forget you can also bring your own! Last time we brought along a deck of waterproof cards and played in the sexy...
You are so into this trip! We all expect a fully detailled trip report from you when youll get back :aetsch004: Have fun!
There might be a shortage on your arrival ! Be quick !
Oh, we could post pics... but the lady says that would spoil the fun of showing her dresses and stuff for the first time at TTR! So for now, my...
We are getting there! Getting exited yet? We do!
For sure! What are your dates again?
Maybe some other time... of course we will bring along the tnt shirt!! Any speciall requests for silly pictures of us with it?? Really missing you...