Thanks Jamie. Its a great feeling Kuff, knowing your back is covered by a trustworthy mate. (Learnt that from military experience in Vietnam). Kev...
Hey KuffandVix, Hows it goin? As we will not have a chance to get Glow Sticks or Wrist bands, could we impose on you to see if you can help us...
We are still on for 18th as preference.
We will be there from 15-25 May. We also live in Australia. W, which is in Byron Bay Australia, posted ours and we got it in 2 days. If anyone...
We will go on any date between 16-24th May. The Aussies.
What a load of codswallop that story is. But if its true WE wanna be in it. Maybe we should just try to live up to the story in May. Hate to see a...
Just to add our little bit. Di will be 54 on 21st of May. We will have our 23rd Anniv on 21 st and our daughter, who is not comming with us, will...
Why not pass them on to new commers who may not realise what they should have brought with them. Aussies Kev and Di
Hi Jamie Thanks for that. Yes I did change some rather rapidly. Mainly because I mistakedly put up a pic that wsnt cropped and a lttle too much...
Not sure why our pic has dissapeared of the Roll Call. Can you give me ant advice please Jammie. Thanks Kev
We are in. We are there form 15-25. Kev and Di
I have a prt of the lower male body pierced. It didnt hurt, but the bloody healing hurt like hell, and Im no wimp (Viet Vet). The solution was to...
Hi all> Looks like alot of work has gone into organising the Theme Nights. To those that have done it, Thank you and great work. Particually...
Hey Kuff and Vix. Is that a WW your are wearing in your Avtar? If so, what model please. Di likes it and we (well I am) are ordering tomorrow. Di...
We think a Little Balck Dress night would also be in great taste (as long as its between 15-25th) LOL Kev and Di
It is a day long tour. Most of it on the bus. About 2 hrs at the site. WE did it and Tulum and didnt see the value for money, other than to say...
Hey Jamie. Thanks for all the work you are doing to make May a great visit. To KuffandVix: Well done on selecting those dates.Looking forward to...
Tholdren. Hey guys welcome aboard the Nevending Funship. You will have a blast. Don't chnage your week. There are some great and fantastic people...
Tholdren. Welcome aboard. And get ready for one hell of a blast. Don't change the week. There are great and greater people going at the same time....
We are in for Nakid Spa party