Could someone tell us when the Desires week is in 2012. Also, is it clothing optional od nude? We are TTR Cancun repeaters and are looking for...
Could we have the dates of the Desire Week, please. And could someone confirm that it is a nude week or clothing optional. Neither both us as we...
Hey KS Cpl welcome to the Forum. We are in Sydney and are already planning our 3rd visit in 2 years. It was made a lot easier, more relaxing and...
Hey Jamie. We met last time. I was the Towel Bitch for Vic and Kuff and Craig and Suanne
Jamie. Sorry to be picky, but thats a New Zealand Flag. The Aussie one does not have red around their stars and has one more Star. called the...
Hey there all May Addicts. Looks like we will be making our 3rd trip to TTR from 12-19 May (at thgis stage). Di is being deployed on Operations...
Hey Steve, Nice design. Can't recognise any nude Aussies as from the May 2011 Cruise. The shirt I have from that certainly is a conversation piece...
Steve we aretrying to add two more but the deposit wont go thru. Can you add Mike and Lupea to the confirmed listr. They will pay on the day....
Waitin Hi Guys. We are off the cruise and sittin in Miami Airport waitin for flight. Be there in 3 1/2 hrs. Kev and Di:cheerleaders:
Fantastic Kuff and Vix. Congrats on being Grand parents. See Ya soon. Kev and Di
Should have said, "en-route to Cancun".
Hi All. Arrived Miami. Waiting to go to the beach, but its raining. Bugger. Kev and Di
We are leaving in 10 hrs. Have fun everyone. We will see you all on 15th. Really looking forward to meeting everyone. Thank you Jamie for bringing...
We have said prayers for all those unfortunate people affected by the storms. Have just lived through two major disasters this year, our thoughts...
Hi Guys. We are Aussies and we will be tyhere from 15-25 May. Love to catch up and say Hi. Kev and Di
Bugger. We are leaving in 3 days time and dont get there until 15th. And we arrive after 4PM. Hope someone has a drink ready for us. Sorry, but...
OOOPs!!!! Just read it is called a BOOBs Cruise. I thought it was a Booze Cruise. Oh well, have to take the bad with the good LOL. Kev
I have been lookin for pics to show Di what the typical or not so typical bikini for TTR is. Justy to convince her that her WWs will be...
Only 20 days before we leave Aust. But we are goin via Miami (Haulover Nude Beach) for 4 days, and then off on Cruise with Carnival for 7 days. We...
Hi All. Thanks KuffnVix for info. Been away in far north of Australia trying to sort out Insurance on our House almost destroyed by Cyclone Yasi...