We're trying!! We've been counting calories/eating much healthier and cut alcohol out during the week. Have definitely upped the exercise time...
I'm with you on this one! We're in Michigan and it got down into the single digits F a couple nights ago, that's cold enough for me! We're...
Yes, we've seen a few ladies take their top off quickly and stuff it in their bag.
#2, To me, that's when responsibilities fade away and the vacation mindset sets in.
It's a magnetic switch, one "contact" on the built into the frame and the other in the slider door. When you open the door contact is broken and...
For keeping the A/C running while your balcony door is open.
Im thinking that they are asking if anyone has been to Intima Resort Tulum.
We're doing the 17th as it's the earliest one during our trip, that way we can meet more of the fun crowd as soon as possible.
Damprid is available all over, most HomeDepot stores even stock it.
Small bills to tip the staff and sunscreen as it's stupid expensive down there.
Our same dates, see you there!
April is always FULL of Canadians! I don't blame you all one bit after seeing some of the absurd temperatures over winter time!
58 days,15 hours and 53 minutes til we take off, but who's counting.
I (male half) am planning on a Toga in mid April as I already have one.
Chocolate stains and looks nasty, and I haven't tried the Pina Colada. $3 is way cheap, they are usually around $12 in stores here.
Not that I'm aware of. You may be able to find a liquor distributor who will ship though. This is the one we buy. Liquor Whipped |...
Yes, it's still made. We have it here in Michigan USA. We were just talking yesterday about how many cans we need to pick up for our next trip...
I feel you on that one! Bring on April!!