We’ll have a great time together.
We are April 18-25, so we can grab a whisky (or ten) and disinfect the sexy pool together for at one day.
Please come find me at the Sexy Pool. I’m the middle-aged, open minded, easy-going, formerly sexy, expert-lover, whisky drinking, white-collar,...
A message from Beanie: To everyone who’s working out...I applaud you! Keep up the great work, be healthy and happy!
As for me, I’m taking no chances catching some funk at the airport. I have taken a few common sense precautions with my attire for travel day....
I’m fat.
I agree wholeheartedly. The pools appear relatively small (as they are on most ships) and the tanning/lounge chair areas spread the party out too...
April 18-25 for us. Glad you are joining the party.
Dieting blows. With great enthusiasm, I started dieting a week ago. Weighed myself this morning only to discover that no weight came off. I’m...
Speaking of going hard on the 18th...I have a boil on my elbow,
Last March, I observed a lone dude (Silence of the Lambs type) photographing the crowded sexy pool from underneath the walk way to the Bash. I...
Beanie & Vickie April 18-25 2 of us BC: No 4th trip to TTR
We negotiated a couples massage in exchange for granting them 60 minutes of our vacation for a shot at our money. At 55 minutes, give them a 5...
Please sign us up for two. We’ll be there April 18-25. We will gladly send money via Zelle, Venmo, ApplePay/text, cash at the resort, or another...
All BS aside; At the end of the day, the vapid platitudes boil down to two camps...the generous givers and the the stingy f**ks who lack the...
We consider tipping to be an enjoyable part of our vacation. We tip bartenders frequently with small bills throughout the day. We tip the wait...
Frontier is the Greyhound of the airlines...inexpensive yes, but they have a way of making you feel like you are traveling via cattle car. To...
Tim, based on the content of your post, I think both of you would have a great time at Temptation. The resort offers opportunity for adult party...
Great idea. Count us in.
April 18-25 for us. 4th trip...and I get better looking every time (at least that’s what SIRI tells me).