This sounds like a lot of fun. The alcohol infused inhibition damper may help make it a reality! This is a great idea. And, no taking one for...
Hi Guys, We are Al & Kristie and are organizing the room crawl on Sunday, Feb. 4th but we just realized this is Super Bowl Sunday. If we start...
Theme night for Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 4th has been updated to wear football apparel all day!
Welcome to the boobs cruise! We will also be on the February 5th boobs cruise. See you there.
Exact same dates as us, see you at the pool.
We have decided for the one I am organizing to do it on Sunday, Feb. 4th. If you are there during this time, let us know.
That's great, looks like we have 5 couples. Others have posted under the February roll call.
Ann & Jay, I will put you down. Looks like we have 4 couples now.
Haha, there is no special attire and your fanny pack full of jello shots would be very welcome!
It looks like upcoming, Super Hero night is Mondays. We are wearing football themed stuff on Feb 4... Go Patriots!!
We are new to it too but heard from some people that it is lots of fun, so thought we would try to organize one. Basically someone organizes one...
Miss you guys as well.
We have heard that a room crawl is lots of fun. Anyone interested in a room crawl Sunday, February 4th? People will meet in a specified location...
You guys should join us and a couple other couples in doing room crawl on Sunday night the 4th.
Hi Karen & Jean, So the shots you can get from the hotel ahead of time if you want or you can bring a bottle of some alcohol or buy it at the...
That sounds great, lets plan one for the 4th because the theme for that night doesn't sound all that exciting. I read somewhere you want 5-7 rooms...
Go on the 5th or both so you can go with us!
We are there from the 3rd-10th and it doesn't seem like there is one. We have never done one but would love to do it. Maybe we can set one up...
We'd love to! I'm sure we will get the chance. We should be at the sexy pool by 4:00. We'll definitely be at Bash that night.
Fixed that! Whoops!