Not too sure about chocolate, but strawberry and vanilla sound good to us! :flash: :daveandmo:
Arriving the same day as you! We land at 5:30. Looking forward to sharing drinks and the Boobs Cruise!
Hey, looking forward to meeting you! We arrive on the 28th and will be on the boObs cruise the 29th. Look for us stumbling off the boat!
Decisions, decisions! What flavors are there? This is going to be a great trip!! !:lotsofmichaelfs::lotsofmichaelfs:
We're in on the White Dress shirt as well! Also struggling with Neon/Rave.
We get in on the 28th. See you guys on the Boobs Cruise!
Lingerie night, check. White night, check. Leather, check. Men's white shirt, check. Neon/rave night- struggling for ideas, anyone?
Hey, guys, we arrive the same day. Looking forward to seeing you at the sexy pool!