Thanks, you guys were great!! can't wait until you at TTR with us again:D
Make sure its the Boobs Cruise offered on this web page. If not you may end up on the Booz curse thats something else
Ok we have a confession, and were going to post this at a couple of places to maximize its exposure. We are introverts. (0n the web is easy) We...
In 7 days at this time we'll be flying to Cancun!! This daily count down is both killing me and getting me more excited....Its like I'm 9 again...
Were down to just one week!!!!
Were getting to TTR on the afternoon of the 9th - 18th.
Have a great trip...wish you were staying a few days longer, or we were going a few days earlier!
8 1/2 days...and it's been going soooo slow! Then when we get there time will fly by! Why can't the wait be like when were at TTR and when were...
HI guys when are you guys heading to TTR?
Were almost the exact same dates...Hope to see you down there!
Wow Sorry to hear. Hope everyone ends up OK!!
Oh and she's susceptible to peer pressure so...tequila shots for Is there a way to hide this post ?
Its a bad cliche but if I can get Tequila in her...her cloths really do come off...:mnm:
Some of my cutest clothing never sees the light of day at TTR. A couple of Tequilas, and the influence of all the other sexy people and ....Less...
Just the shirt and a couple shots of tequila...
[ame="[media]"][media] Kid Rock!
Can anyone see the picts? They showed up, but then the disapeared on my computer....I hate this 1984 technology. They should really update this...
Its just over a week to go and I can't stop trying on my outfits and trying to decide which ones I like. Here are my two for Lingerie Night....
[IMG] we'll volunteer!
Welcome guys! This is only our second trip. Our first was a blast. Looks like we will be there for many of the same days. Best advise is get...