Thats a double win!
Good info. i sometimes get confused at 13.00 pesos to 1.00. i think i might make a little cheat sheet to take with me.
Ive skyped effectively in certain spots of the lobby. but internet is not good overall.
Ding ding.... Only change is when the party is so good we skip the nap :)
I also agree that this is not as simple as people say on here. So far, I am happy with my membership that I bought last year. Now, I went 4...
tend to agree on the bus angle, but only if the real issue is price instead of convenience. i just hate feeling like im wating money
Has anyone been bumped that has done express check in?
The $128 per night for room is very strong. Did you at least check alpharooms? Not to shill for Steve, but he works hard at all this, and I...
I can only add the same...they have been perfect for us.
I feel like the music changes by time of year. During the time when there are more europeans we get more house. it wasnt bad over most of the...
Walmart did not have Patron. Either did Sams. Now the resort did have it for an exhorbitant price :)
Added a day..Now there the 27th!
I would reserve in advance since you know. We did a walkin over New Years but it was luck.
Think the new benefits greatly outweigh the increase. Good Job Steve
March 28-30. Quick trip before the wedding!
April 4-7 for us. After the wedding!
Well heated or not it was very cold. Two days ago, there was no one in the pool all afternoon, so Im not really buying heated. But to be...
I hated those rooms, because of the sound... But I will say I think a lot of people worry too much about the rooms. Just give me closet space.
Tequila Ken. First person I met from TTR :) Havent heard from him in a while.
Add it to the mix.... No problems with the water!