i was vote 201
Because I am an inquisitive sensitive male :) I decided to look further into the alpharooms rate. The rate of $52.99 USD per night starts on...
wow thats freaking amazing.... Im a member and might go get that
Give them a $20 and their playlist expands :) I find the music tends to be different over the american holidays than when there are a lot of...
Goodness great picture... and after my vote you were up like 65-7.. lets see the shenanigans at play :)
The fourth is always busy but doesnt seem to be a huge Cancuncare week. Boo!
Here is la Europea's "catalog" for vodka Google Translate as some have said its right by the walmart bus stop
Less afternoon clothes (like polo's etc) more swimwear cotton shirts etc.
I wouldnt upgrade ever there before getting there. Too me thats stealing my tip money :)
Its available at La Europea but its expensive. About 10.00 per bottle here in the states.
I disagree with some of it..some is ok. Smirnoff is not a premium vodka that I am aware of. But they are going to pour well vodka if you dont...
Seems to be low attended this 4th. Im wondering if its because its on a Wednesday
To add to that, it all depends if interval is still the same strength it was... I think the simple thing here is that multiple times, i know...
I don't think you are going to have much luck. La europea had an ok selection of flavored vodka, but no cake. Walmart and sams have a little...
Vodka wise, if you ask for it, you can get smirnoff. IMO, the key, if you arent premier, is to look at diegos bar when you get there. I...
I cannot speak on the specifics here, but I have never heard of anyone getting a good deal on the RCI transfer into TTR. And I am a Premier...
Agree with match... we were in the bullpen bar too.. but no desire to go with just my wife..needs to be a group...
USA Transfers did my whole wedding group (30 some people) in about 12 vehicles flawlessly in both directions. They have excellent english...
Some locals I know speak very highly of Xplor..They really spoke highly of it