Been talking to Steve about a cruise, which he said he thought about trying to do on 7/4 or 7/5. I don't arrive until the 4th, so voila...Im...
Most of the premier rooms face the sexy pool. I think they have a newer door too :)
Woot woot.
Look the rules are the rules. If she has a facebook page that she is using, and they are real emails, then she deserves to win. The problem...
well my son just woke up sick... its 1:40 central time, and somehow the vote is now: 639 valentina, 589 karen this is crap.....
Try the stripper milkshake... rum chada and 3 olives loopy :)
Just gave ya two more Karen.... Heres my we know if this other girl is even real?
I consider premier a hybrid timeshare. it has, in general, a lower up front cost, but because of the all inclusive, you still pay a certain amount...
It will be a good US independence day celebration :) You brits always love that, and then always destroy the US in the beer drinking competition
same thoughts here
Personally I have always been on premier about being more pro-active. Because there are things that have happened to good members of this...
Im sure it was members who were upset that they are getting a higher price than the alpharooms are getting. I got asked about it yesterday, as...
Please note the following from premier... As many of you know, I defend the program that I have, and I appreciate their forthrightness on this...
Its very disappointing that no real person will stand up and verify this contest. Ridiculous
true.. sorry for the confusion on the same side, there will be a bunch of pissy members too i assume.
I disagree a little on the premier side.. This rate is ridiculously low. I have a good rate, overall with premier, and there are many times i...