He was In the asian restraurant when we were there In august victor At patyos was realy good going back In april hope they put pablo back at the...
voted good luck
I think ed has got somthing there fifty bucks is fifty bucks that could be spent In ttr
you could always ask for forgivness later :aktion069:
61 days 23 hours 40 sec not that Im counting :huepfen021:
65 days and cant wait good times
will have to put out A warning dont mix 6inch platform shoes with sambuca hope It fills better and leave your platfoms home this time see ya In...
Idont see that slowing you down all that mutch you probly will need more sambuca
I like them all all shapes and all sizes thats what makes the world go round at least my world :flash::flash::flash:
thats what we need pictures lots of pictures :clappyinghappy:
We dont want to do that do we glen and monique :aetsch022:
83 days love this picture
just remember knowbody knows ya knowbody gives A sh_ _ IM WITH WOODY BOOBIES MAKE ME SMILE
I like this one to but It can be A cut off shirt to
86 days to go cant wait to see every body
just A smile:icon_biggrin:
If Im drinking Im happy If Im drinking At ttr Im even happyer
well thank you very mutch Im glad I could be your first post on cancun care
jim I dont see your dates listed yet :ernaehrung005:
well said cant wait to meet up for drinks april 12 4;30 pm :daveandmo: