ya about went crasy waiting for steve to post It :daveandmo:
booked for 2 see ya there
22 days here to lets party
ya I see 4 things awsome
How could you not count down I started at 149 days drives me crazy waiting but will see ya there
now thats just funny but right there with ya every thing crossed
yep 24 here to cant wait get there about 1:30 what time do you get there
happy sant paddys day you just look green with envy cant wait to have A drink with you guys 26 days and counting :huepfen013:
just checked the same thing and would be 1000 more for same trip so It dose pay to plann Ahead
No such thing As planning to early havent even went on april trip and looks like well be planning for sept cross my fingers
two days behind ya all booked for boobs cruise
29 more for us so warm the place up for us
Ya no saying that word on vacation :brick:
thats not A good way to look at it lets just look at getting there and for get the rest
yes It dos 30 more to go
and boy Iam I glad she found this place cant wait to get there 30 more days
ya but at least at ttr I got help from glen and jim thanks guys
ya looks like ypu at utah lake after to mutch taquila
kathy said to tell you thanks Its geting closer see ya in A few weeks
I didnt good point you I good pointed woody dipo :aetsch022::aetsch022: