19 days 10 hours 14 minutes and counting.... 4 more days and we can EXPRESS CHECK-IN -- WOOT WOOT:aetsch004:
LOL...I will volunteer Rob, count him in!! :aktion033:
;) What Greg, is red not your color? ;)
Hello can't wait to meet the two of you! We arrive on the 12th. See you at the sexy pool
[IMG] Just trying to help out Greg! What do ya think Misty?
If you need any help/advice on that g-string, just let me know! :aktion033:
I cannot wait to see your new g-string! I have my dollar bills ready!:icon_lol:
Booked the Chipendale Cruise and I am so excited cannot wait to see your new g-string!!! I have my dollar bills ready...
Great! then I should be good! Thanks:flash:
We are in for the Chipendale Cruise!! Looks like Greg will have to go shopping for that g-string..... as for us gals 4getting?--NOT A...
Count us in for the Party!!! I am not a very good swimmer so if hubby drinks to much someone might have to save me!! Deb and Rob We just put...
LOL...that will be saying in a few days as well....LOL You arrive a few days before us, have a cold one ready please.
23 days 12 hours 34 minutes.... til paradise on the beach poolside... We cannot wait.:huepfen013:
Thank you for the message, we arrive on the 12th so we will have a cold one waiting for you at the pool. We have been several times! Can't wait...
We have beed to Desire before and loved the romantic style of week but nothing can beat the SEXY POOL at Temptation!!! Lets party before you peel...
we arrive on the 12Sept - 18th.. have some for us... see you at the pool.
Hey there- we will be there Sept 12- 18... we have a 2 day jump on you... we will have cold ones waiting for you at the pool.
What are the theme nights in September? Can someone help me out?
We miss you guys by one day. We look forward to meeting you,maybe next time
We will be there Sept 12 - 18- see you there. We can't wait :huepfen021: