The only thing I can find on the web is that they were trying to land him last year and the Tigres roster doesn't list him. So......
Well, basically you have to show you've been a productive member of society, which pretty much leaves me out.
As far as I know, every country requires you to "renounce" your other citizenship. Basically, it means you can no longer resort to turning to your...
I don't know what the requirements are, exactly, but you should probably go to SRE and get the latest ones, to be sure. My wife took the exam...
No, we didn't want to go into Belize. We weren't on vacation. The rude "woman" who felt quite entitled to my 100 bucks said we would have to go in...
I really don't see anything in that post that would have helped. We had no interest in "visiting" Belize.
This may not interest most of you, since you probably have residency visas, but, some visitors may stumble on this. My adult son came to...
They just told my wife at INM that the 6 month requirement for financial records is only for new visas. That renewals will only need to show 3...
Ah, that sounds like a logical explanation. Btw, I'm Mexican-American, so this is particularly frustrating since I was raised on the Texas-Mexico...
He would be eligible the same as any other person would be. Being the adult child of a resident wouldn't help. One thing that confuses me is the...
V, my second visit to the "new" immigration was no better than the first. The "information" lady outside had no idea whether I can get my son his...
That's exactly right, but they never were any of those in Merida. Not everyone can read and understand exactly what immigration law means. They...
Improvements I don't really see any improvement in this new system. In fact, it's worse if you only need some quick information, because you have...
No, we weren't allowed to apply at all, so we have no application pending. There shouldn't be any trouble with starting fresh. I've dealt with...
visa familiar You know, this is REALLY strange because the two people at the counter agreed that it couldn't be done, then one went to the back...
Tracey, what "thing" is immigration here doing? I was told they have nothing to do with it. That my son just has to go back to Houston and apply....
new rules I had my first experience with the new system in Cancun this month and it really sucked. My son and I were there for 4 hours only to be...
We HAVE reached agreement to sell, but, without a divorce decree ordering it, she could change her mind up until we go sign the papers. I want to...
I really need some legal help and lawyers don't seem to be any help. My wife and I have a home with a fideicomiso. We are both foreigners, of...
Well, I'm borrowing my neighbors infinitum wifi and have had no problems in more than 6 months. I also have a friend who uses one on cablemas...