I would think that except I got the usual official letter stating that I needed the copies of the visas. That comes from someone higher up than...
No, both actually said "CUARTO REFRENDO" which is even better than "third". FM2's have "refrendos" not "prorrogas". I have no idea why. They just...
Aspirin and Tylenol ARE NSAIDS, as is Lertus, although each NSAID apparently attacks the inflammation in a different manner. Apparently those...
I don't know how many of you are familiar with sciatica, but I became quite familiar with it almost two years ago. I had the worst case of...
Great! It looks like they're being kind to those of us who have been here for a while. I can't believe they asked me for copies of my previous...
A friend recently had one for about $250 USD. That's really not much savings over your deductible. Also, nitrous oxide is illegal in Mexico. The...
Funny, I've never had a single issue with Telcel. Oh, wait, maybe it's because I don't own a cell phone of any kind. Yes, there are still a few of...
The best thing to do is to always get a hotel with a good internet connection and talk free.
You're right, irrelevant was probably too strong a word. I think the real key here is what is "residency" under the old rules. I don't think fm3...
These were clearly used, but it didn't matter to them. They were going to get me no matter what. The worse part wasn't the fine. It was their...
Let us know when she actually gets approved. I've found over 11 years that "being accepted" at the counter is irrelevant.
We had 4 years with an fm2, which is "inmigrante", with the booklet and then with the card. The fm3 is the "no inmigrante". I don't think it...
I've never head of it taking that long, or of going months without checking. I thought two or three months total for the process was a long time....
You got it right. Another thing, they said owning your own home doesn't make any difference if you go with the 4 year temp res. I think they're...
Btw, my wife got her citizenship about a week before they approved her permanent residency. Took 10 months, even after some unwarranted complications.
We both turned in 3 months of bank statements with deposits of 15k mxn.
My wife just got fingerprinted and is waiting for her permanent residency card, now after applying strictly based on 4 refrendos on her fm2. No...
Well, it sure seemed like a shakedown, but he brought his supervisor and he shook even harder. The drives cost about a hundred each. They did...
Maybe it's changed, but we got a green light and were still searched because they saw "something" in the x ray that they wanted to check. We got...
I went to INM at 9am and went inside within 30 minutes. Then, I would have been done in 30 more minutes, but they came up with the new requirement...