I used to buy my blood pressure meds at Walmart for a little over 100usd. I've been buying them for years from SIMI for less than half. I had a...
It has added security and guarantees and it is becoming so widely accepted. In fact, many vendors won't sell any other way. Ebay actually owns...
Btw, I'd really like to know if that microwave shelf came with your cabinets, or if you bought it somewhere. I've been looking for something like...
If you don't have any luck selling the whole package, can you see yourself selling it in pieces?
I didn't learn about it till I had lived in Mexico for years. Some tips: Always use Paypal. It's really easy. I always use "Buy it Now" and pay...
From American Ebay.
I do have to say that the stuff from China takes about 30 days most times, but the shipping is free or ridiculously cheap, so, who can bitch....
That's way too many cabinets for my kitchen, but here's the pic. [IMG]
The nsaid was Lertus and is more specialized for something like back pain, I believe. I learned of it because it was prescribed for my wife when...
Are these the cabinets you're referring to? [IMG]
Tell you the truth, I don't know what's not to like about those docs, unless you don't like sitting in the waiting area with a bunch of everyday...
I'd really like to see a picture of the cabinets and the microwaye. I've never uploaded a pic, here, but I think you just click on the little...
Averge cost of what, shipping? If you order from China it's mostly free. From the U.S., it can vary from cheap to kind of expensive, but I've...
I order a lot of stuff online, but nearly all from Ebay. It's the only one I've found with reasonable shipping, usually. I have everything shipped...
I ran two ac's all night in July and August and one of them, most of the day, and my bill was $160 usd for two months. I consider that quite...
Well, the brits invented the term soccer to avoid confusion with other kinds of ball kicking sports, so why do they criticize Americans for using...
Is this guy Mexican? I usually buy my tiles at Mundo de Azulejos on Portillo, not far from Kabah, towards town, not towards Merida.
Do you still have the car? If so, where could one see it?
It's too bad there isn't a cop around every time someone drives like a rude idiot in this town, not referring to V, of course. I get so sick and...
It was the same ten months ago when my wife took it. It's not about knowing Mexican history, or even about knowing a lot of Spanish. It's about...