Next year for sure!
Carrie I will have an extra one. I'll bring some extras for who needs them. I just picked up some from Spencer's in the mall. Mine is orange and...
I just went out and bought a wide orange band so it makes it eaiser to spot me.
I would hope so. ;)
I agree! I hope I can recognize everyone from the site. I should be easy to spot.. A pale white or bright pink ginger, in Ohio State garb. Please...
Welcome to the Party!
You knew that was going to get a like.
I agree with everyone.. Just go it will be one of the best trips you can take. People are great and no one cares if you want to go a little crazy...
Good thing I will be taking 4 pairs of board shorts with me.
Hmmm I wonder.... ;)
Carrie you should do the Punky Brewster look. I had the hots for her so bad when I was 9. lol
Alright! Welcome to the party! I'm there from the 1st - 8th.
Level 11 -- wake up on your floor with your matress on top of you and you cant remember anything past 6 pm. Yeah I have been to Level 11. lol
Yep u love nuns I take them when I cycle or run. Good to prevent hang overs and get much needed electrolytes back in.
You can pay to use their computers I think it's like $5 for 20 mins. But they don't have wifi unless the have installed in recently.
Anyone have a picture of these shirts?
I will have to go down and get one.
Ohh it will be hot! ;)
I wish. I have work and just did fit this in to my travel with work.
Yeah been 11 months since I have been back. Far too long.