yes he is, now dont know about the abs part!:ernaehrung023:
Thanks Fletch for the info! Now I know!! Wouldnt know nothing without Feltch for instance I wouldnt know what an Avatar was lol
i have to agree... hard to play oh well
theres a new beach?
What to wear to the club? Polo or Long Sleeve button up shirt? Shorts or jeans? And any type of shoe is cool besides sandles!
The night of March 9th?? Anyone??
same here dont want to be rubbing ass to d**k if you know what i mean, but i believe in some clubs i wont have a choice will I?:aktion060:
Same here! Thanks will deff have a blast!
My first night is the 7th! Where are most people going on the night of the 7th??? My flight will be landing around 7pm and I should be ready to...
yea right!! i havent even met you yet and i can tell your not shy lol:soccer:
i deff will not be shy i wll be the one of the craziest folks there goin to be great!
love the song!!
yup, i just wanted to make it sound not as bad!:cry:
thanks Steve see you on the 11th!
sounds pretty fun
i dont really care if he sings.... well maybe depends on how much i have to pay! ill be drunk any who....
:wave:Sushi mmmmmmm!
No but im just saying ratio 85% male 15% female....
Nicely Said! I cant wait to meet you and everyone else in Cancun!