I was on the train they decided to make express from Rouge Hill to Oshawa, Kicked everyone off at Rouge Hill and said try to get on the next...
No worries, Was kinda hoping for a secret lmao. Just noticed that we are practically neighbours. That is Brooklin just east of T.O., right? We...
Any special reason nothing planned for the 28th? Is it a secret us newbies can't know? Also curious how these relate (or don't) to TTRs...
Ouch - Those boobies on that last emoticon look a little sun-burned!
Our first time also, we are Feb 25 to Mar 4. The Boobs cruise looks like a total blast. it was the tipping point for us deciding to give TTR a...
booked ours T-minus-PARTY :lotsofmichaelfs:
We'll be there Feb 25 to Mar 4. TTR Newbies
Add two more for the Feb 27th Cruise... It will be our first, but I'm guessing not our last
Anyone notice a TelCel outlet near the hotel. I'll be looking for a simple card for my phone. Usualy the cheapest most reliable data connection.
anyone tried buying a local sim / data package for their phone?
we're interested in exactly the same thing jarscherer, approximately the same dates also... Guess we'll see who gets to the desk first... lol
Okay all set to book Feb 25 - Mar 4, need help deciding on Deluxe room or Deluxe OceanView. Does OceanView translate to a better room or are we...
We have been looking at the online sites and have yet to see any option to specify a jacuzzi room. Is this only available by booking direct or...