I just don't want to carry my wallet with me. Just something to bring my whatever around so it is safe. Beach bag is a good idea. Has anyone...
So for tips and such... suggestions for keeping tip $$ handy but safe (and probably dry too)?
Well geez, with all the women in lingerie it would not be a kilt, but a canopy! ;)
lol - undecided on that micro kilt. I'll bring boxers in case....
Well I was thinking of using the kilt for the lingerie/casino night also... or is that cheating?
You can always ask nicely...
Must have been crappy across the country yesterday. the storm here almost sent oncoming traffic into my car 3 times yesterday. But my new bubba...
I'm feeling like I should have booked the entire month of April :icon_confused:
Now THAT is a game worth playing!! Ignore post #824.... answer found in post #825
this has been the longest day...ever! How am I going to survive 7 more weeks of this???
From Ottawa, ON
The water (or any juice), advil, and B12 (Stresstabs B12 are a good choice) hangover cure is what I had learned from staff in the ER. This is...
7 weeks from approximately this minute, I should be walking into TTR. Can one of you have a drink ready for me?
Well... that deserves a spanking... you can decide if it is a punishment or kudos ;)
Maybe I'll get you frunk dirst! ;-)
Ok - I am curious... why bring more booze to an all incl? I get it if you prefer premium bottles.. I usually bring a bottle or two on a biz...
:icon_biggrin: I just checked tripcentral.ca from Ottawa, and same thing.. I checked Expedia, and there are flights - not great flights (long...