Any good Ts (white) at the resort? I want to do is get a white T (either from resort or I will make my own print), a sharpie, and get everyone I...
lol - there's gonna be a lot of beads! ... and I bought a kilt today for school girl/kilt night :)
Ditto that! I just have to say that I am really happy that all you guys are coming to see me in April. ;)
lol my mistake then
Its the Booze Cruise, and I guess it becomes the boob cruise after some drinking. They say it is tons of fun and should not be missed. It...
So they allow drinking in the shuttles? And can you buy the beer in the airport?
I'm glad I am not the only one that was thinking this about this thread
LOL :mnm:
LOL :aktion025:
Close - the BeaverTail hut was there for Winterlude but they are all gone now. The hut you see is the Skate Rentals. But you can get BeaverTail...
Oh we had this a few days ago as well (last one was worse though)... this is storm#2 this week, so I guess you'll be gettin some more in a couple...
This is what its like where I am today... [IMG] Come on April!! Hurry up!!
Thou shall party thine god given asses off
Got some good deals today on theme stuff :) ... including a great deal on mardi gras beads!! :icon_twisted:
No matter what - its going to be a great time! Thanks for all the work Kim!
I dont think the answer would be to make it couples only - at least I hope not! Even a couple can become disruptive. Hopefully the resort would...
.. and I know you'll be a sexy pirate Karen! Surrender yer booty lassy.... YAR!!!
46 days left for me :)
I need some costume ideas... for costume night Karen! lol That is if there will be one... BTW - a store in Vancouver sells those things... go...
With a purchase like that, I wish you were going in April too! ;)