I am told that there is an international standard for resorts where if the ice cube has a hole in it... it is using filtered/purified water. But...
From Ottawa, ON. I don't think my current customer will have any need for me to travel east.. too bad.
Been reading on the forums, but have not heard any horror stories... But if you want to be sure... Travel Water Purifier - Travel Water Filters |...
Well... rules are meant to be broken... ;-)
Awesome. I'll be the guy with the hat... BTW - Love Nfld! Been there a few times (St. John's)... The last time I got fogged in for 4 days...
And that is a confirmed 22 now. Just booked!
I'll be there! Apr 15-24 :)
I am officially booked on my first vacation since 1989! (that is not a typo... I know... pathetic...) See you guys Apr 15 (noon ish) - 24!!...