[ATTACH] Countdown has begun!!!!!!
We usually go 2x per year ... January and August, but this year we did add a 3rd trip in March!
I wonder if they sell green AIWC (alcohol infused whip cream) ?
We will be there for that weekend! Our dates are Mar 14-18.... looking forward to it!!!
46 ----- March 14th!!!!!
Anyone no if members get a discount?
March 14-18!
Wow ... another Trip for us after just being here in January! March 14-18th 2 of us Boob Cruise: Not this trip
We forgot once too and paid 30. We don’t check bags. We bought a few 3oz empty bottles and put sunscreen and that other slippery stuff in them so...
Is it August yet?
Yep what everyone else said .... Ashley doesnt even pack tops. Have fun!
[ATTACH] Almost under 10 days :::: ready to party!!!!
[ATTACH] 11 short nights until another school girl night!!!!! Let’s start the countdown photos!!!!
Has anyone been the week of New Years before? I wonder if they change up their daily activities.... like add a foam party! Also besides NYE do...
[ATTACH] Is it too early to start the countdown!!!! We arrive in the morning on Jan 1!!!!!—— this was in the pouring rain last August
We have been there 2x since the reno. No more casino night which is sad .... that was always a good time. I would say the participation regarding...
We aren’t there for NYE but we get there early morning on Jan 1! Hopefully the party continues on that entire week! This will be trip #12 for us...
so if you look at the January roll call it does not look like many members will be ringing in the new year at TTR. For those of you going .......
we are going Jan 1-5 .... looking at the January roll call so far it looks like a light week. Anyone have experience being there the days after...
Super excited!!!!! Dates: Jan 1-5 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Maybe