Sweet! Congrats...we will definitely buy you guys a drink, help you celebrate, and help make your 10th the best:)!!!
10/22...3d cruise, can't wait!!!
We are there October 17-21, third trip. Then to TTR from the 21-24th, Boobs Cruise on the 22d. Looking impatiently at the vacation countdown on...
Wednesday the 17th to Sunday the 21st...her birthday on the 18th. Our 3d trip, and can't wait!
We'll be in Cancun Wed and at TTR on Sunday (HEY! The hubby's birthday is friday, too...we'll have to catch up for a late b-day bash!)...we'd...
Hmmmm...shall we consider offering pre-orders on beads via pm's? ;)
We went on the Boobs Cruise in October on a day that we were checking out of another hotel and then checking in to DRM. There were 4 of us. The...
I just recieved my 75 bead necklaces in the mail. I think we're ready...unless I decide I need to order 75 more! The wife has a selection of...
February 11-15, 2018
Here you guys go! ***February Theme Nights Thread!!!!!***
11-15th for us. Will be arriving from DRM for our first visit to TTR. Boobs Cruise on the 12th. Can't wait to see what is in store for V-Day!...
Booked for the 12th...looks like it's going to be one for the books!
Thanks!! It's sure gonna be nice to get out of this Eastern WA weather for a few days! We will be hitting DRM from the 7-11, then TTR until the...
February 11-15 2 of us Boobs Cruise? Absolutely