I am so excited everyone if dressing up we are too can't wait to see what everyone chooses!! 3 days of work left the on the plane come on 20th! !!!
Well at least now we know what Todd and Fern have in common
I'll be the one with lobsters in my pants.
Ha ha we will be the bald and striped couple . Lol
I think we lands at 1140. So excited will they let you check in that early? If not It alk be time for a drink! !
It never matters mind at after 2 beers anyway so bring it on! !!
Hey we get there on the 20th too. What time do you arrive?
That sucks! How you have a great trip though.
8 days down to the single digits!!!
What dates are you going?
The 20th is coming soon we will be sitting by the pool drink in hand!
He strutted until I ripped it off, careful being silly when your outfits velcro! Lol I have 5 work days left he only had 2 and a half. ...ass....
Todds kilt finally came in the mail yesterday so we are golden. And she has an awesome little body I'm sure she doesn't need to work out to get...
Well we will have to have a drink
We will but your first round come find us. Lol
I think we get in at 12 but with transfer and check in should be drinking by 1. We get there the 20th
5 days left of work and its party on! !!
Coming up so soon are you getting excited.
5 days left to work and bring on the beer! !!!
5 days left to work and "party on"