Also first time in November
Ten more days!!! :) but who's counting
Just saying hi we will be there the 2 - 10th
Just saying hi we will be there the 2 - 10 we will see you at the pool
That's funny! Definitely nothing to be afraid of just good times with good people! ! And even as a detroit fan I have great respect for GB lol
Alway up for a drink and new friends
Absolutely when you get there come look for us at the sexy pool with the stripes in my hair I'm usually easy to spot and todd always has on a...
Absolutely we will buy your first round of drinks!! :) lol
Uhm neon green. Everyone could have the number 69 and just have printed names on the back like THE POUNDER , CUMMIN, THE FINISHER. LOL IDK
That's cool we will try that then, I'll start looking and let me know what you guys see too,
So we were wondering what you guys wanna do for uniform night? We have nurse/ doctor or Todd thought we could make it about baseball uniforms....
You were hot loved the skirt!!
I'm down for anything the more fun the better.
I think the 8th should be cowboy/ COWGIRL NIGHT
So are not gonna try and spice up the theme nights? They already have the colored dresses as the hotel themes. As cancuncares we should stand out....
Monroe is past the airport towards Ohio. We love dressing up for the theme nights but so far the ones they picked are boring I was trying to see...
The themes in the beginning of the month just keep repeating themselves. What about men's dress shirt night or cow boy/girl night or dress in...
Do you guys dress up for theme nights?
Lol awesome first round is on me :)
You will have to let us know what are the most recent pictures of you. So we can find you for a drink first round is on me :) . Some pictures your...