One day after you so excited cant wait to meet you guys!!
6 days to go...and the countdown begins
Thanks for the add, we will be there 18th -28th...6 days the countdown has begun
Hey we will be there 18-28 look for us and we can have a drink
Thanks for the friend request, when are your dates. We will be there 18-28
Thanks for the friend request are dates are 18th -28th definitely come find us and have a drink
The 18th can't come soon enough we are ready!!
I know we wish you were gonna be the there!! Do you guys know when your dates will be yet in November?
16 more days!! Whoot whoot
This will be our 3rd trip love it!!! 18th -28th only 16 more days YAY
Thanks for the friend request. We will be there 18th -28th can't wait! !
Absolutely hopefully we will see you in November
Thanks for the friend request! lets have a drink!!
Hey you guys to bad we will miss you in May :( to bad our dates didnt match. I still need to send you those pictures, ugh i am so unorganized....
Hey you guys so sad we are gonna miss you in May!! To bad our dates didnt match up. I still need to send you those pictures ugh i am so...
Don't be shy. We will buy the first round.
Looks like our dates will overlap, hope to see you there