spoke to them today , if you have reservations for after the resort closes they are going to offer another resort to you and cover any extra costs...
we are seated in row 13!! already looking forward to the trip and its miles away..:clappyinghappy:
We are arriving with todd and jen, sept 30-oct 7, should be by the sexy pool by 1 on the 30th
same for us..mardi gras sounds like fun..lots to work with there.
coming for the first time in october. second time to ttr , we are long time friends with todd and jen so will be coming with them this year...
First timer too
All packed, wife got nails done , her hair on wed ,, and I bought her lazer 2 years ago so thats taken care of...and we arrive friday
Just make one pool area clothing optional!!!..
can you send me some of that info on the massage ,,we are interested in it as well. kevin
All the beaches are publice. The water on the main strip is blue with white sand...its only a short bus ride
It may grow ..besides the who's on the cruise not how many that make it good..so let's all have a great time
well us newbies looking forard to meeting everyone.. see you all on the 20th..
?.no worries, cancun weather pretty much always looks like its gonna be crappy and will actually be fine. ? Your not at work so enjoy
Looking around im surprised not to see any body painting as part of the fun...has it ever been part of the fun?
common guys we need at least 6 more for the nov 26 boobs cruise..its our first time and dont want to miss one..
Its to bad they wouldnnt make the sexy pool c/o
Deposit paid for 2
I have booked us a massage and was wondering anyone's experience with Claudia .. And tips on getting to her place..we are looking at taking the...
Steve give some thought to maybe changing the Nov 26 date to the 25 , the 26 being a Thursday it conflicts with the foam party and white night..I...
it will be our first time as well..nov 20-27 ... should be fun ..see you guys around the pool