GO GO GO guys and gals !!! let the fun begin !! Have a safe flight guys !!
wow...a flight from Montreal is 450 each person taxes in...at least we don't need lube here...lol
looks like a full moon tonight !!
looks like a full moon tonight !!!
yup....we feel your pain...won't be done until Suday for us...to much to do...and so little time...other things like sex are to important ...loll...
oh i have tripped over a body once..alll though nude and hung over i just picked her up and put her to bed. everything was all right in the...
oh well more time for room parties and so on and so on..and so on....so no worries...when in doubt ....party !!!!
just enjoy...and there's always a special glow about a pregnant woman....very sexy indeed....Take it at your own rythm...and have fun ...cause...
i guess the next thing they'll tell you is to get yourself some protection while crossing ......just to be safe i'm bringing ........2 boxes of...
we were there in March...and no worries....why would you be worried of a major city that is so populated with tourists from other countries....Is...
for the nights on our week the 14 we get there late so might just relax that night..then after that till the 21 were in for 4...unless passed out...
i heard if it rains they give you a raincheck to come back another time for free....but that's just speculations...lolll Seriously....we have...
hey no regrets....you did it and i'm sure some people there were in bed before you guys !!! so good job !!! now just keep it together till TTR !!!
nice pick even if it's blury...we'll have to do a re take and get the full monty....loll see you all soon can't wait !!! omg !!!
come on guys....get it going...thanks god we just never stopped from our last trip....just kept drinking !!! and now that's what had us book the...
well...here is the debate...you put them up...you lock em up...and then let only people you trust open them. Should not be an issue. The only...
now guys....when is CSI on again...i think i'm all confused....do we wear school outfits or black dresses..or birthday suits or what....ok...we'll...
i haven't been accepted yet !! come on...i want to make sure we're down for the events...
hmmmm...yup hot and sweaty should be the theme...lol but it is shiny in the moonlight !!! Now, Temptation Resort Spa Cancun, after doing...
ALWAYS have a camera ready !! like a boy scout always prepared !!! things just happen sometimes....