Hope you get the Christmas wish and get a little snow...not sure for the cruise Julie isn't really sea worthy...we'll see but we'll for sure have...
Well we just got it !! And it's to early !! and we want out already !! 18 days for us can't wait !!!
Hey, just a quick note that us French Canadians that you all love so much will be there very soon......Santa brought us a gift !! 2 round trips to...
We're in too !!! 11 to the 19 !! Oh ya 3rd time is always a charm !! Can't wait to get out of this Canadian cold and snow !!! Get the drinks...
well this beats paying the guards to look the other way while we dip. A group of friends were there in November and yes it's heated and by the...
Should be there for our 3rd time in Feb !! Can't wait !! See you soon !!
I totally suggest cutting the 100 mg in half.....out of experience...if you take the full 100 you might want to take the week off, also your...
hey where were you guys !! the orgy was this weekend...you all missed it !!! Oh well guess we'll have to do it again !!
OMG NO...that is wrong, they go late into the morning as Paty o lounge is still open when evreyone comes back from the bars !!
us also...no worries...it is a general statement for some hotels that are not all inc...they use a general disclaimer instead of having 20...
nope....you're not...we wnt in March for the first time and returned in June also...and it would have been sooner too....we're pushing back the...
This is my OOL...... As you can see there is no P in it it...let's keep it that way.....go in the ocean...cooler to have little critters trying to...
well the begining of the week was ok...then as the week went on it got worse....i can understand with the heat and all the people....but for 4 of...
great week it was !!! and yes that haul Jess over your shoulders was a classic....you couldn't get any hotter than that !!! as even the other...
Wow...you hid that nice..you guys stilled played like champs....sorry to hear for the Toe....it can Hurt....having broken a cpl already....doesn't...
How's the pool now....2 weeks ago it got pretty nasty later in the week...a bunch of us even got a nice little rash ...we stopped going in it...
sure we can keep it going all year long !!! Morals need to be left at the check in though...
there are even Leopards and lions and tigers !!! all kinds of kitty's !!! hihihi as long as they purrr when we pet them.....hihihi
the green juice at TTR is actually quite good for this...as most people look at it and they want to be sick it's quite a help...so try it.....but...
Come on..if you have it...grab it !!! be proud of your body !!! it's yours !!