i can tell you for a fact that the Johnie walker is not watered down !! ouch...didn't see that one coming...but it made for one hell of a st patty...
i'll accept a tip if you throw it my way....but no really the front desk have been known to accept tips. I know this for a fact. But you need to...
3 here !!!
oh ya bienvenus man jack...nous allons etre la a partir du 11 !! oh party time !!!
how do wwe post a pic ?? i've got some too
nope...sorry having problems with that...but we'll take your word on it looking good...lol
let's just say that the meet and greet will happen all night...might as well stay and meet everyone !! So no worries if your plane gets in...
as the add says...24/7.....so i guess they're doing this to compensate for the jacuzzi and 360 night parties they had at Cabo....they have to grab...
a very small one...but not an average size one i believe....memory is a bit foggy on that one...
Some of those sound dirty..i like your thinking though !!
all nights are theme nights !!! we call em get ur groove on !!! Welcome to the group !! It'll be a blast !!
I like Miss piggy....lolll
well packing is just the last thing that i do.....lol
Won't be long now !! 1 week countdown starting !!! Can't keep still !!!
1 more week and we're there !!!! the wait is killing us !!!
Yes at least once or twice during the week a rep is there. At TTR Cancun they're located in the little office in front of the sports bar. The door...
Very well said Jamie !! I can't say it any better and almost brought a tear to my eye thinking about it. Lest not forget those that we left behind...
Just book !!!