She's got our vote too! :cool:
this news just sucks!! Chinos (and Omar and Lalo) were the reason we became repeaters. Good luck Chinos and maybe we will see you in Cabo....
Nice Pics! Thanks for sharing!
Hmmm... Passed out early on the first day. That seems to be a recurring theme in lots of TR's. Can't wait to hear the rest.
WOW!!! What a trip report!! :shock: That was so entertaining. Thanks for taking so much of your time to write it. Can't wait to see the...
Welcome home Steve & Janet! Glad you had a good trip.
Yes, you can make reservations between 10:00 AM and Noon each day although I still had to wait in line for about 30 minutes to make my reservation.
Bring a pair of closed toe shoes. I watched probably a dozen men (including myself) be asked to go change their sandals when we ate at the...
Everytime he handed over the monkey to her his hands went straight there. Not a bad place to hang on to if you ask me :wink:
Hi Ken and Rhonda! I agree, it's hard to believe that was two years ago. We had a great time that year! I wish we could make it back down in...
Re: hi Right.... :wink: [img]
I would not be concerned at all. The majority of the bad reviews are from people who did not research the resort and were looking for something...
Re: Vodka They have Smirnoff if you ask for it, otherwise you get Blat which is similar to lighter fluid
oops, double post
I wish you guys could have been there this year, we missed you two. Maybe next year we can make it at the same time. We will definitely keep in...
I am still mad about that. Stupid Alcohol! :roll:
Last year we were in the building where Ryan and Bethy were this year and it was great. Quiet and a nice view of everything. This year however...
When the family of five on the scooter passed you I think Steve got a little nervous that we were going to be late :D You definitely had a dud...
I was going to try to do a day by day TR, but it all just kind of runs together and consisted mostly of drinking at the sexy pool all day with a...