Last trip we had the first floor next to the patyo it was great cause I bring a bottle or two of liquor so we dont have to drink that cheap stuff...
January 1 to dec 31
Should be fun ;). We missed you last year
It will be nice to see you. We will be there around the same time ;)
Hey looks like we are going around the same time it will be nice to see you guys
You will love ttr if you like to party and meet a lot of friendly people. We've never been to hedo to compare but I do know you will love ttr
Time cant go fast enough ;)
Nov 28 to dec 5 counting the days. Its funny summer flies by but the min we book this trip its like time just stops
Think this is our 4th or 5 th seems like its the only place we've ever been. Gets better each time
Thanks for the add looking forward to having a great time and making some new friends
Yes they are getting there dec 1
We will be there nov 28 to dec 5. Is it to soon to pack.
I did put my dates on there bit for some reason it only shows up on the bottom part but not the list if you know what I mean. I dont think that...
Yes they will be getting there on the first
Are there any tentative dates for dec boobs cruises