We quit going in December as we had a few cold trips in a row. Most of the days on those trips were still decent but a few were cool with just a...
I guess these scenarios are why Canada has shut down flights to Mexico and the new 3-day hotel stay upon returning. Not placing any blame on...
Forrest & Selena June 17-22 BC - Yes
We might have to try one sometime. We haven't yet but had not put any thought towards it either.
Does it make that much of a difference to you over your regular room? Agreed with OP, great rate right now.
I'd do what makes you happy. Since you're suggesting it, I'm thinking you should do it, unless it could cause rash / in grown hairs. Best to test...
I found the Fireball at a Mexican 7-11 to be quite a bit more expensive than in Canada (about twice the price), was kicking myself for not buying...
Dates: Nov 7-14 Number in Group: 2 Interested in Boobs Cruise? Yes
We're hoping too, going Nov 7-14. Moved it a month earlier as we've had a few too many cold days there in December with no one in the pool.
Flying Swoop?
Not sure why you're wanting one but there's an xpole stage pole in the gym. Also, if you book a photoshoot through the hotel you can use the two...
Hello, We just left there after visiting Seattle for new years. It was a nice trip and good break from our weather. See you soon!
April 8-13 Just the two of us Maybe... Friday is a our last full day
Just booked for 10th and two more couples are headed back to their room to do so. Hopefully it's a go!
We loved ours too! Great shots.
Forrest and Selena Dec 7-16 Number in party : 2 Boobs cruise: likely
Dec 7-16 for us.
We hired the resort photographer this past December. He was great, professional and definitely not shy about shooting what we wanted. We were...
We were partying in On the Rocks in Edmonton last night and a guy walks up to us and says, "Hey, you were at Temptation in December!" Small world.
We (Forrest and Selena) would be happy to host!